Nobel Final Declaration of the 19th World Summit of Nobel laureates for Peace


Monterrey, 18-21 September 2024

On the occasion of the 19th Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, we the undersigned Laureates reaffirm our belief that war is an unacceptable instrument of government policy and disputes must be resolved by diplomacy and negotiation in accordance with international humanitarian law.

At this tragic and extremely dangerous moment in history we condemn the killing of civilians by all sides in the conflict in the Middle East. We call for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza, where the International Court of Justice has found plausible evidence of genocide, for the withdrawal of Israeli forces based on UN resolutions, an end to the blockade of Gaza and self-determination and statehood for the Palestinian people. and the provision of adequate humanitarian aid to the population so that the people of Gaza can reconstruct their community.

We also call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and the withdrawal of all Russian forces and for the provision of adequate humanitarian so that the people of Ukraine can rebuild their country.

Both of these conflicts carry the potential for escalation to nuclear war which would be the ultimate humanitarian disaster.  We commend the government of Mexico for its leadership in the effort to eliminate nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, the danger is greater than ever.  We call on the nine nuclear armed states to commit to never using their nuclear weapons and to enter now into negotiations for a verifiable, enforceable, timebound agreement to eliminate their nuclear arsenals altogether, and to meet their requirements under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and  join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

We also call on the global community to work to end the ongoing conflicts in Tigray, Darfur, South Sudan, the Congo and other areas ravaged by war.

Modern weapons have brought untold suffering to the world and threaten the very existence of human civilization.  We must create a world order based on our common humanity and on compassion, democracy, justice, the rule of law and respect for the dignity and right to freedom of every man, woman and child. And we must address the climate crisis to provide a sustainable environment for future generations.

We express our profound concern regarding the denial of fundamental rights experienced by vulnerable populations, including children, women, individuals with disabilities, indigenous communities, refugees, and other marginalized groups, in numerous countries. The attainment of sustainable peace is contingent upon the realization of freedom, justice, and inclusivity for all. Accordingly, we earnestly appeal to all governments and the international community to undertake all requisite measures to safeguard the protection, education, healthcare, and equal opportunities for these groups through the implementation of effective policies and the provision of adequate funding.

Finally, we strongly condemn the regressive action taken in Afghanistan, which involves the prohibition of girls from attending schools and universities. We implore the authorities to promptly rescind this decision and restore the right to education for female students.